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Human Saliva is produced by pairs of glands located symmetrically on both sides of the head: the parotids, the submandibulars (also known as the submaxillarys), and the sublinguals. In addition to the primary glands, there are also hundreds of smaller glands located in the lips, cheeks, tongue, and palate.

Although the parotid glands are the largest in size, they produce only about 20% of the total saliva in the unstimulated rest state, and the minor glands and the sublinguals together contribute only about an additional 15%. The submandibular glands are by far most active in the unstimulated state, and they are estimated to produce about 65% of the total rest volume.

Want to talk to us about Salivary Biomarker or Hair Cortisol Analysis?

This is what we offer: https://www.stratechscientific.com.au/services/saliva-analysis/

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